Welcome to Wellspring's Wellness Shop

We recommend products and companies that we value and use ourselves.  Please note we are affiliates for some of these companies, which allows us to earn small commissions off of our recommendations.  Please consult with your physician or practitioner before using any products.  There is no "one fits all" approach, which is why we strongly recommend working along side your health care practitioner to have a tailored protocol recommended.  If you are in the New York area, you may sign up for a consultation with our practitioner, who is well versed and trained in using the products below.  
Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Essential Skin Care

DAO Labs
Herbal Remedies


The information on this website is meant for educational purposes only.  Please consult with your physician for any health related concerns.  The health, nutrition, and wellness content displayed is not meant to replace any your medical needs.  The use of any information provided on this site is used at your own discretion.
Office Location
1149 Old Country Road, Ste B3
Riverhead, NY 11901
PHONE: 631-591-2210EMAIL: info@wolacupuncture.com
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